Mystery Shopper


The Mystery shopper aims to carry out objective, periodic, continuous and confidential assessment of the services, procedures and level of performance of the employees of all ministries and institutions participating in the award.

Mystery shopper reports are prepared based on the list of key services and tasks identified in collaboration with the participating ministry / institution.


Mystery shopper reports are a neutral measurement tool designed to identify opportunities for improvement rather than phishing (if any).

Mystery shopper reports are documented and are accompanied by many clear evidence showing the Mystery shopper’s observations.

Mystery shopper reports are used by assessors as a means of audit and assessment to ascertain the accuracy and correctness of the responses received from the participating parties.

Mystery shopper reports focus on areas of excellence and development, and when they show shortcomings, the goal is to guide the ministry / institution to work to address them.

How does a Mystery Shopper works

The Mystery Shopper work is continues throughout the award cycle. 

The Mystery Shopper plays the role of a citizen, investor or other institution seeking the service.


In order to prepare each of these reports, the Mystery shopper will fill out a questionnaire based on international best practices, including his / her observations on the service delivery process and translation of the results into marks for each ministry / institution.

The center publishes the model of the mystery, which includes the details of the face-to-face assessment, evaluation of telephone communication and evaluation of the website. The purpose of informing the ministries / institutions on the content of this model is to help them improve their performance and address the imbalances that will be processed in the ultimate mystery shopper report.

The Mystery Shopper performs frequent and continuous confidential visits covering all administrative and functional levels throughout the year, and visits to specific and selected sites.


The Mystery Shopper prepares five reports, each based on three visits to the ministry or institution.


Mystery shopper reports are a neutral measurement tool designed to identify opportunities for improvement rather than phishing (if any).

To see the hidden shopper model, click here.


عدد المشاهدات : 537