Advantages of winning King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and Transparency


  • King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and Transparency winning is a prestigious achievement for the entity and a recognition of its excellent performance. The winning entity is also a role model for other entities.

  • The winning entity is awarded a certificate of appreciation signed by His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein and is given a trophy representing King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and Transparency, which serves as a motivation and moral honoring for the wining entity. The Award is handed to the winning entity in a major ceremony sponsored by the Royal Highness.

  • The winning entity has the right to place the Award’s logo specified by KACE on its documents, prints, website and advertisement campaigns. However, such an entity must use the logo together with the excellence level it won and the year of winning.

  • KACE publishes success stories of the ministries / institutions that win the Award at KACE’s website and the Award’s website to disseminate and spread the benefits and promote those ministries / institutions’ win.

  • The winning ministries / institutions present and share their success stories with the other ministries / institutions by showing their distinguished performances and their adopted quality strategies in order to spread the benefits of their successful experiences to the other entities through seminars and training courses held for introducing the Award, as well as relevant conferences.

  • In accordance with Clause A of Article 33 of Civil Service Act No. 9 of 2020, two annual increases shall be given to the employees who receive an Excellent Grade during the last year and at least a Very Good Grade in the previous year. One annual increase shall also be given to the employees who receive at least Good Grade for three years in a row at the entity that wins the first place of the highest award of King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and Transparency won in that year. In accordance with Article 185 of the Civil Service Act No. 9 of 2020, notwithstanding the provisions of any other act, provisions of Articles 29, 33 and 34 of this Act shall not be applicable to the employees whose affairs are regulated under specific regulations enacted for them.

عدد المشاهدات : 526